Checklist What do we want or what do we need to know about our third parties?

Once our database is established, we are in a position to ask ourselves: What do we want or what do we need to know about our third parties?

At this point, we will proceed to diagram the questionnaires that we will include in the assessments, whether due diligence or KYC, adapting the knowledge base provided by Riskallay to the culture and needs of each company.

To have access to the Checklist, we must access the Questionnaires option, located in the left side panel.

Once there, we can see at the top of the screen, the options "All, Master Risklist and Your Checklist", as well as a search engine

When choosing All, the screen will show us the list of all the Checklists that are loaded in our account, that is both the Checklist knowledge bases that Riskallay provides ( the Master Risklist) and the Checklist that you have created for your third parties (Your Checklists).

If we choose the Master Risklist option, we will be shown only the Checklist that Riskallay provides as a knowledge base, we can find them intended for three categories of third parties: CUSTOMERS, VENDORS and BUSINESS PARTNERS and in three different languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese.

If we opt for the Your Checklist option, we will be shown only the checklist you have created and customized for your third parties. 

We may also choose to use the search engine, entering the name we have assigned to a particular Checklist, will be displayed on the screen only that particular question form. 


In the following example, we chose the Master Risklist option, and the tool only displays the above Master forms ( Business Partners - Customers - Vendors) in their different language versions ). 


What are the Master Risklists?

 How to create/duplicate/modify a Checklist? 

How to add risk blocks? 

How to configure the questions in my Checklist? 

How to "delete" or "move" Risk Blocks or Questions in my Checklist?

 How to weigh the risks when creating a Checklist?

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