How to complete an Evaluation?

Every time your customer or supplier sends you a risk management assessment or question form to respond to, you will receive a Zenta sender email in your inbox, inviting you to respond.

By clicking on the link, you will be redirected to the access page...

...where you must log in, with the email associated with the account and password created at the time of registration. 


When you log in, in the left main menu you must click on the Evaluations received button

You will be able to see on the main screen the evaluation(s) that have been sent to you:

Each evaluation that appears on the screen will detail:


1) The title of the evaluation to be completed and its status:

2)The name of the company (your client/supplier) that sent you the evaluation:

3)The start and end date to complete the evaluation:

To enter the evaluation you must click anywhere in the rectangle where the evaluation information is located:

The screen will refresh and you will encounter the following pop-up window:

The window will provide you with brief information about the deadline to respond to the evaluation, its name, the name of the company that will respond to it, as well as the name of the client/supplier who sent it to you. You will also find access links to help articles that may be useful to complete the process.

By clicking on the Continue button, you will access a first screen with general information about the evaluation to be completed, where you can see the following sectors of interest:

1-The name of the evaluation and its status:

Below the name of the assessment, you will see the states in which it will pass as it is completed

Pending: is the status of the assessment when the person who must complete it has not yet entered it.

In progress: The status of the assessment when the person entering for the first time has to complete it, regardless of whether he or she has started to complete it.

In review: this is the status of the evaluation when it has already been completed in full and subtracts that the client/supplier who sent it should analyse its results.

Closed: is the status of the evaluation when it was completed and the client/supplier that sent it, after analyzing its results, consider it finished because there are no clarifications to make regarding what was answered. 

2-Next steps:

In this section you will find the buttons:

Answer questionnaire: This will give you access to answer the questions contained in the evaluation.

Sign and send for review: this is the button that you should press once you have completed all questions and decide to finish answering the assessment, so that the evaluator can start his analysis.

Calendar: here you will see the start date/time of the assessment and the deadline date/time for completion.

3-Assessment information:

In this sector, you will have three tabs:

Basic: This is information about which customer/supplier sent you the evaluation and the name of the evaluation. 

Message from the evaluator: in this tab you can find any message of interest that the evaluator has left for you.

Attachments: where you can view and download attachments that the evaluator has added to the questionnaire he is interested in downloading, these may be documents that you must then attach to one of the evaluation questions.

4-Analytics and Reports:

In this area, you will be able to observe the percentage of progress of the assessment as it is answered.

5- Task:

In this section you will be able to create collaborative tasks with internal users determining the type of task and the time for its completion in order to complete the evaluation process.

6- Documents:

Please see the documents attached to the evaluation responses.

7- Comments:

In this sector, all the collaborators of your company appointed to complete the evaluation will be able to add comments related to the questionnaire being answered. These comments can only be observed by the other assigned collaborators ( will not be recorded in any of the questionnaire answers, nor can they be read by the evaluator).

8- How to answer the evaluation questions?

To answer the questions of the evaluation, you must click on the button "Answer questionnaire", located in the sector Next Steps, in the upper right side of the screen:

You will be redirected to the following screen:

On the left margin you can see the domains that make up the evaluation; in the middle the name of the evaluation, to the right the number of questions answered about those formulated in the whole evaluation; and finally the drop-down list to review the domains and questions contained in each domain. 

The evaluation consists of:

Domains/ Risk blocks.

Each domain/ risk blocks will be identified in its title with a specific topic on regulatory compliance, and will be composed of questions to answer related to it.

At a glance, you can see how many questions each domain makes up.  

Clicking on the down arrow will open all questions in the domain:


Each question may contain:

1) A "Answer" drop-down box to answer YES or NO, choosing some of the available options or simply typing in free text, depending on the configuration that the evaluator has given you:

Type of response YES/NO:

2) Response type by selecting a default option by the evaluator.

3) Type of free text response or simply uploading a required document:

In this type of response, simply write in the free text field the answer, such as could be the name of a legal representative requested, or attach the required document in the sector of documents. 

4) A field "Clarifications"  to add additional clarifications to the selected answer, which may have been set as optional or mandatory by the evaluator, in the latter case, you must use the field to clarify the answer in a mandatory way so that the question is taken as complete.

5) Documents:

In this area of the answer, which will not always be in the questions, you can either upload a document required by the evaluator as mandatory, or add an explanatory document to the answer. Clicking on "Select File" will open a pop-up window so you can select the document to load.

6) Comments:

Using this field, you can contact your evaluator to ask the evaluator about the question to be answered. 

You must enter the query in the comments field and click on the "Add comment" button. The evaluator will be notified of the consultation.

Both the question asked by the evaluator and the response obtained will be reflected on the screen so that it can be followed up.

In addition, it will be possible to identify which domains have questions with comments initiated with the evaluator.

Save Changes button:

It is important that as you respond to the assessment, save the progress by clicking on the "Save Changes" button, this will allow you to complete the questionnaire in more than one entry, always taking into account the final deadline to answer.

When the question is completed in its entirety according to your configuration, a green tilde will appear at the beginning of the question on the screen:

How do I know how many questions are left to complete?

On the screen where the assessment domains are displayed, you can easily identify how many questions are missing in each domain.

You can also see that the questions with all answers are marked in green on the left side panel and next to each domain title.

Sign and send the document:

The final step for the evaluator to receive the completed questionnaire is to complete the signing process.

This is a brief process that you should do after all questions have been answered.

To do this, you must click on the "Sign and send" button.

A pop-up window will open, in which if you estimate it, you must tick the boxes indicated there, finally clicking on Sign and send, which will give the completed questionnaire the character of an affidavit.

Once sent, you will be redirected to a new screen, where the completed assessment will change to the status "In review", pending the evaluator analyze the answer, at this stage you should not take any extra action.

In case the evaluator makes any request for revision, he will be notified to his e-mail box to review them.

Once the evaluator has analyzed the evaluation and interpreted that it does not need revisions from the evaluated, he will close it, changing the status to "Closed", indicating that he has already completed the task of responding in full.

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