How to add Third Party Custom Fields?

It may occur to us that at the time of loading a third party, we need to add extra information about it, which is not covered by the fields provided by Riskallay when it asks us to fill in the basic information of the third party to add it to your user base. 

In these cases, we will be able to add extra fields to the tab of the third party, to be able to complete such information of our third party at the time of its loading.

For this, we must enter the Settings menu, on the upper right side of the screen and choose the option General Settings.

Once in General Settings, we will enter the tab Module Third - Party and then to Custom Fields Third.

Already in the Custom Fields tab of the Third we must click  + ADD NEW FIELD.

We will be redirected to a window, where we will have two new fields: FIELD CONFIGURATION and OPTIONS CONFIGURATION.


Here we must add the information that we want to register from our third parties at the time of loading. Example: "Identification type". We will be able to add it in the three languages in which the interface of the platform is available: Spanish - English - Portuguese.


In this field, in the "Field Type" dropdown, we must indicate whether the information we are going to add when registering our third party, will require a free text field for manual filling or to select from a list of options such information.

Following the example above, you may want to add a list of options to the information "Identification Type", such as: VAT ID / PASSPORT / OTHER PROOF DOCUMENT, to avoid filling out such information manually when registering the third party and simply choosing it from the list options that we pre-configure.  In this case we must select the option "List Selection".

We will be shown new fields, to add the options we consider. In case you need new fields to add extra options, we must trigger + Add Option.

Here is an image of the example mentioned during this article. 

To finish with the configuration of the fields, we must activate ADD FIELD, in the upper right side of the screen.

In case you want to add the options in the three languages available for the interface, I must activate the option "Translate Options".

Once we have added the fields to our account settings, we will be able to have them every time we register a third party either individually or in bulk.


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