How to automate the change of status of third parties?

By configuring the submission of a given evaluation, the function that allows the automation of the change of status from a third party to "Rejected" can be activated.

We will find this option in the first window that displays the tool when choosing the option "Create Evaluation".

There we must activate the flap "On" and enter a number on the scale of 1 to 5. 

The number that we enter, will be associated with the automated result that will throw Riskallay, regarding the evaluation answered by our third

Evaluations/Create Evaluations/Automate third party status change

In order to determine the number of risk to enter, if we decide to use the option "Automate Change Status of the Third Party", in the following graph we can see the risk associated with each result:

Thus, if the third party does not reach the minimum chosen (between 1 and 5), the tool will automatically assign the status "Rejected".

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