How to complete a Questions Form?

Every time my customer or provider sends us a reply form, we will receive an email from Riskallay in our inbox inviting us to respond.

By clicking on "Go to Riskallay", we will be redirected to the login page...

...where we must log in with the email and password that we had already registered.

When you log in, in the left panel you will have two options:

1. Risklist Pending: will show us a screen with a list of the forms sent by our customers and suppliers that are pending to be filled and in which the deadline for completing them has not yet ended.

2. Completed Risklist: will show us a screen with a list of ALL forms that have been submitted by our customers and suppliers, in this list, unlike the previous one (where only the forms that had not yet been completed were listed and their term was not yet expired), we will find a history of all the checklists that we have received: those that we have already completed, those that we have not completed and their term has expired, which we have begun to complete but we have left pending its completion and those that are still in term, we have not started their response ( these last two will also appear in Risklist Pending )

The Risklist Pending window is the one that will be shown by default each time we enter our account, where as already mentioned, we will find the list of all the forms that our customers/suppliers have sent us that are pending completion and the term has not yet expired to do so.

We will find the following table, separated by columns, which will give us all the necessary information on each form to be completed:

1. Name Evaluation: Here we will indicate the name of the form sent by our customer/supplier.
2. Evaluation Date: Here we will be indicated the term that our client/supplier gave us to complete       the   form (the start date to begin completing the form and the deadline, which will be indicated in         red)

3. Completion Status: here we are indicated with a bar and a percentage the state in which the form is located, we will be indicated that it is at 0% if we have not yet begun to complete it, or in a certain percentage if we have begun to complete it but we have not yet been able to finalize it, since until the deadline for completing the form has expired, Riskallay gives us the possibility of completing it in parts. 

4. Actions: here we will find the option "Fill Risklist", which is the one that we must click every time we want to enter a certain form to start or finish completing it. 

By clicking on "Fill in Risklist", we will be redirected to the next welcome screen to that form,  where we could (not always) find a short text from our customer/supplier or any attached document related to the form to be answered that our supplier/customer is interested in us observing.

Finally, we will find the "Complete the Risklist" button, which we must activate to have access to the form.

How do I complete my question form?

The question form is made up of different risk blocks, each containing questions specific to that block. These questions can only be answered by selecting the option  "Yes" or "No", requiring in addition in some questions to "Add a Comment" or "Attach a Document", related to the question in question. These comments or requested documents may be in some cases mandatory to continue moving with the form.

In the graph we can see that we are in the "Notice of Information" risk block and within this we see question number "1" of that block, which requires in turn "Add a Comment"  and "Attach Documentation".

To move through the question blocks of the form, we must use the arrows that are observed in the sample image. By adding these arrows we can move to the risk blocks located in the rest of the columns and answer the specific questions of each block.


Also, under the columns of the blocks,  we will find the legend "Progress" ( next to the drawing of the hourglass) and the name of the risk block in which we are positioned, in this case "Data Protection", where on the right is the graph of a bar with a number. In the case of the graph, we can see that the bar indicates the number "0/25"; this indicates that we are in the risk block "Data Protection", and that said block contains 25 questions, of which we have not completed any.  As we move forward in answering the questions, the bar will load.

In the illustrative graph above, we observe how we move with the above-mentioned arrows from the "Data Protection" block to the "Cybersecurity" block; and in this block we can observe that the legend "Progress" indicates that we are in the risk block "Cybersecurity" consists of 22 questions, of which so far we have not completed any (0/22).

Tips to keep in mind: 

Tips N°1

Each question will always indicate at the top the name of the risk block to which it corresponds and the question number within the block; and to its right will be presented initially with a red circle with an "X" inside, which indicates that we have not yet answered it. In the example of the graph we can see that we are in question number 2, belonging to the risk block "Internal Cybersecurity" and that has not yet been answered.


Once we answer it, we can see how at its top, the red circle with the "X" mentioned above, changes to a green circle with a "V", indicating that the question has been completed.

Tips n°2 

As already mentioned, in some questions, our customer/supplier may in turn require us to "Add a Comment" or "Attach Documentation" related to the question in question. When adding the comment or document is required by the customer/supplier as mandatory, we will not be able to complete the response until we add the comment and attach the documentation. The tool will tell us when such a requirement is mandatory when choosing in the answer by "Yes" or "No", the fields "Add Comment" or "Attach Document" change to RED.

Can I fill out my part form?

It may happen that for different reasons, you do not have the time to complete the entire form at once, so as long as it is not expired the term that our client/ fixed provider to complete it, We will be able to SAVE our progress in the answer form.

For this we must use the "Save Answer" button, which is located in black at the top right of the screen.

When you click on it, you will immediately notice that Windows toolbar, a sign will appear for a few seconds that tells us that the progress in filling the form has been "saved correctly".

When the "Save Answers" button is grey, it indicates that our progress has been saved since the last modification we made in the form. You can also tell us that a question we thought we answered is incomplete, e.g., a question we answered only by "Yes" or "No", but forgot to attach a document or add a comment that was mandatory, in this case, once we attach this document or add this comment, the save reply button will automatically change to black to update our progress.

Last step!

Once we have finished completing the form, pressing the "Save Reply" button will open the next pop-up that will give us the option of "Continue Editing" (make corrections in the form) or "Sign and Send".

If you want to move forward, you must choose the option "Continue with Signature"; which will appear at the top right of the screen.

There, we will be redirected to a new window, where we will be able to digitally sign the document, which will give the character a sworn statement.

Finally, having completed the process of signing the form, the tool will confirm that the form was successfully sent to our client/supplier.

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