How to reset the password of my Riskallay user?

To reset my password, I must go to the main loguin page of Riskallay, to which you can access the following link.   

Once there, you must click on "I FORGOT MY PASSWORD"

Immediately, you will be redirected to a new screen, where you can see a unique field with the indication "Enter your account´s email address".

In this field, you must enter the email address associated with your Riskallay account, that is, the email address that was used when you registered. Then click on "SEND MAIL".

If you entered the correct email address, you will notice that the "SEND MAIL" button will change its caption to "SENT MAIL" in green.

(Conversely, if you entered an incorrect email address, a temporary pop-up will open in the lower right of the screen, indicating "AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED WHEN SENDING THE MAIL", this error is telling us that we are trying to reset the password of an email that is not registered in Riskallay. )

Next, we must check the Inbox or Spam folder, of the email address entered, and enter the email that was sent to us by Riskallay to re-establish the password, clicking on the button "CONFIGURE PASSWORD" that we will find in the content of the e mail in mention.

When you click on "CONFIGURE PASSWORD", we will automatically open a new tab, which will show us a screen with two fields to complete: 

1)Enter your new password

2)Insert it again

Remember that the password must have the following characteristics:

Change password

Must have at least 6 characters

Must contain some capital letter

Must contain some lowercase letter

Must contain some number

Must contain some special character

Once the new password is indicated in both fields, we must click on "OK".

(If the new password indicated does not meet any of the above features, we will be told in red what is the feature in the new password that we must add).

Once we click on "OK" with the new password indicated, we will be redirected to the main loguin page of Riskallay, at the same time that we will observe in the lower right sector of the screen, a temporary popup window with the legend "The password has been updated correctly".

If we get to this here, it is because the password is successfully reset. 

Finally, we just need to enter in the field "User email" the linked email address, in "Password" the new password and click on START SESSION.

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