Customize Riskallay to the needs of your company

In the "Settings" icon at the top right of the screen, the user can access the basic platform settings. 

In the dropdown, we find four options:

1- My profile:

From this tab, the user, in addition to the settings related to their profile (user, password, photo, etc.) will be able to select the preferred language of the platform, which is available in the Spanish, English and Portuguese languages. 

2- Company:

The company data is simply uploaded here. 

3-General Adjustments:

Initial Set Up:

From the General Settings/Settings menu, you can access the "Third Party" module or the

"Accounts and Permissions" module

Third Party Module

From there, the user will determine the fields of data related to the third parties that we will include in the database: Nature of the Activity, Type of Company, Type of Third Party and the different Sectors in which it carries out its activity.

You can modify the fields preset by Riskallay, adding or editing without any limit.

It should be noted that this configuration will be closely related to the load we will make on the platform of the third parties with which we will link, since in both individual and massive load cases, There are fields that should be selected from some drop-down boxes. The latter will correspond to the configuration we have made in the Third Party Module.

Example: if the user did not configure the "Retail" sector, a third party belonging to that sector cannot upload to the platform

Accounts and Permissions Module

From there, you can create the desired users: Users/Add User

Also from this tab, user roles are set: Users/Modify

Finally, a safety mechanism can be established, enabling two-step verification to prevent improper use of the tool


What types of users exist in Riskallay?

 How to add Third Party Custom Fields? 

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