What are the Master Risklists?

Riskallay provides a knowledge base of more than 100 questions divided into the main (or more usual) risk blocks.

For this, the platform has a base with three checklist,  available in the three languages in which Riskallay can be configured (Spanish, English and Portuguese), aimed at the types of third parties granted base: CUSTOMERS, SUPPLIERS and BUSINESS PARTNERS.

As these are master forms, they cannot be modified in their original version. Therefore, in case you want to modify them and/or reuse them, it is necessary first to duplicate them and then, already created its duplicate version, work on this copy, which can be edited, modifying, adding or removing both risk blocks and pre-existing questions. This will ensure that this "master" content is never lost and is always available for eventual use.

To access them, we must enter the module  "Questionnaires", located in the left side panel, once there when choosing the option "Master Risklist", we will be shown only these master forms. 

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