How to make evaluations visible at the Riskboard?

When you choose this option, you will initially always load automatically, a first window with the information of all evaluations launched so far by your organization.  

As can be seen in the graph, the tool will give us an overview of the evaluations launched in four different ways that are linked to each other:

  1. Statistics of the evaluations launched

  2. Status of evaluations launched

  3. Status of third party under assessment by country

  4. Status of the third party under evaluation by sector

1. Statistics of evaluations launched

Here we will find a statistic of all the evaluations launched so far by the company,  identified with a color, according to the state in which they are. The color, with which each possible state of an evaluation is identified, will allow us to perform an analysis of the graphs in a simpler way, for example: in the inserted graph, the "Evaluated" state in green color is observed.  

This information will then be displayed overturned in the following three charts with different reading options.  

2. Status of evaluations launched

In this first graph, we will find the status of all the evaluations launched by our company.  

How do we read this chart?

horizontal axis

In the horizontal axis of the graph, each evaluation launched with the corresponding title will be arranged chronologically. Each bar observed in the graph corresponds to an evaluation launched to our third parties. That is, the first bar that we find in the graph, corresponds to the last evaluation launched by our company; and moving to the right in horizontal, the other evaluations will be observed.

Vertical axis

In the vertical axis, a percentage of 0% to 100% is observed, percentage that we must associate with the color in which each bar is found (remember that each bar corresponds to an evaluation launched). There we can at a first glance, according to the color that predominates in each bar, deduce what evaluation status predominates in each evaluation launched.

real-world example 

For example, the first bar shown in the graph corresponds to the evaluation "Supplier evaluation second semester"; in this case it is the last evaluation we launched, which is why it is the first bar we find in the graph. In this case, this evaluation was launched to three third parties. 

In the bar of this evaluation, we can observe that it is gray up to 30% of the vertical axis, noting "Pending 1", this information tells us that one of the three third to which the evaluation entitled "Evaluation suppliers second semester" was sentis in "Pending" state, that is, one of the third parties has not yet begun to complete it. 

Next, we can observe that from 30% of the vertical axis to 100%, the bar of this evaluation launched is green, noting  "Evaluated 2", this information tells us that two of the three third to which the titled evaluation was sent "Evaluation suppliers second semester",  are in "Evaluated" state, that is to say these two third parties completed their evaluation and was already analyzed by the evaluator. 

From a quick analysis of this practical example, observing that in the bar we mentioned green predominates, we could deduce that this particular evaluation was answered and evaluated in a large percentage.

Drop-down bar

Finally, it should be mentioned that in this graph, we will find in its horizontal top axis, a drop-down bar. 

This drop-down bar is used to zoom the graph, which will allow us to perform different types of analysis of it.

The more we scroll the bar to the right, the zoom of the graph will be reduced; and more evaluations launched over time for analysis and comparison will be observed.


The less we move the bar to the left, the greater the zoom of the graph, the less evaluations launched in time , but with greater definition of analysis.

4. Status of the third party under assessment by sector.

In this graph, we can see the status of the evaluations launched to third parties discriminated by sector. 

On the vertical axis of the graph, you will find the sectors in which third parties are registered, to which we have launched the evaluations.

In the horizontal axis of the graph, we will find the number of evaluations launched in each sector. 

We can take as an example for its analysis the already explained in the graph "State of the third in evaluation by country".

Choose Evaluation

Finally, Riskboard Evaluations, gives us the possibility to perform the analysis of the evaluations launched already explained, but reducing its study to specific evaluations that our company has launched ( that is not the totality of the evaluations launched, which shows us the tool automatically, when choosing the option Riskboard Evaluations). 

The first step is to choose the option "Choose evaluation" shown in the chart. 

There, a list will be opened, with the name of each of the evaluations launched by our company, having to choose the launched evaluations that we are interested in analyzing. 

In this case, as an example, we chose only two evaluations launched by our company, the "Supplier Evaluation first semester" and the "Supplier Evaluation second semester".

We can see in the graphs, how the tool launched all the information on the points already explained (Statistics of the evaluations launched - State of evaluations launched - State of the third in evaluation by country - State of the third in evaluation by sector) but reduced to the two evaluations launched, which we chose in this case for analysis. 

In this example, we can deduce from a quick view, among other conclusions, such as the evaluation "Second semester suppliers", reached a higher state index   "Evaluated", with respect to the evaluation "First semester suppliers", in which a greater percentage of  "discarded" status is observed.

Download your report!

In the upper right sector of the screen indicated in the graph, you will find the option "Download Report", with which you can get a report of each analysis you perform in this module.



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