How to "delete" or "move" Risk Blocks or Questions in my Checklist?

Within the screen of the tab List of questions, of the module Questionnaires, we can find two lists with buttons to generate different actions. 

Module Questions List tab Questionnaires

Of the lists: 

1- List of river blocks

2-List of questions within each risk block

Buttons to generate actions within the Risk Block List or Question List

"Move" button

To move the order of appearance a risk block within the block list; or move the order of appearance of a question within a question list to set priorities : 

To use it, we must click on it, and by pressing the left mouse button, we can move the risk block or selected questions by scrolling through the screen with the mouse scroll. 

"Delete" button

To delete an entire risk block, or delete a specific question from the question list. 

To use it, we simply click on it, and automatically the risk block or triggered question will be deleted. 

"Display" button

We will find it available only for risk blocks. This button opens or closes the list of questions for each risk block.

To use it, we must click on it and the list of questions corresponding to the risk block will be displayed on the screen.

Once the questions in that risk block are configured, it is recommended to close the question drop-down of that block again, before opening the question drop-down of the next risk block, to achieve a greater order in the screen view. 

In the following images you can see where to place these buttons. 

Within the list of risk blocks:

Within the list of questions:

Open navigation